
New England Entertainment Digest
New England Entertainment Digest

If I Loved You:
CD Release Party for Will McMillan & Bobbi Carrey
By Jerry Bisantz

November, 2004

BOSTON, MA: A long time ago I read in a newspaper article that, in a jaded society, “true romance is gone.” With the dreadful offerings of Britney Spears and Jay-Zee, today’s music is like yesterday’s newspaper, relevant one minute, discarded the next. Talk with anyone from the era of WWII…the fabulous songs of love lost, love gained, songs with true emotional honesty…is there really a place for this kind of music these days? Happily, the answer to that question is a resounding yes, and on December 1st, if you are lucky enough to procure tickets to Sculler’s Jazz Club, you and your significant other can sit back and be taken on a beautiful, emotion-filled ride by Will McMillan and Bobbi Carrey, as they perform songs from their newly released CD, “If I Loved You.”

Two of the top performers on the local cabaret scene, Will and Bobbi have performed together before, and this show features two performers at the top of their game. “The response to last year’s February show at Sculler’s was so strong,” says Will, that we decided we were ready to record a CD. (If I Loved You)” The songs they have chosen range from the classic songs of Rogers and Hammerstein, Stephen Sondheim, and Cole Porter to the contemporary tunes of Billy Joel and Maltby and Shire. Their musical journey will take you from A-Z on the subject of love. “Will has even recorded a song about finding a dog at the pound", says Bobbi, “and I do a wonderful song by Amanda McBroom (who wrote “The Rose") called “The Portrait" about a woman longing for her mother.”

McMillan has been a staple on the Boston cabaret scene for years. Of Will’s singing ability, Beverly Creasey of Theatermirror says “…what a voice, what a delivery…he owns the stage even when he’s still as a whisper…” Will has grown up on the stage, having performed as a child in “Pippin" on Broadway, and one look at him in performance is enough to tell you that it’s in his blood. He is a founding member of BACA, the Boston Association of Cabaret Artists, he started the cabaret series at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education, and he is the recipient of the IRNE Award for Best Cabaret Performer, 2002.

Bobbi Carrey has been singing with Will for over three years, and her journey in performing has been an interesting trip, indeed. Bobbi has literally been a “jack of all trades,” having worked as a photographer, filmmaker, and venture capitalist, but she has never stopped singing the whole time. Ms. Carrey is thrilled these days to be making a living doing what she does best…singing and interpreting the Great American Songbook. Jordan Rich, local music professional says, “…her vocal interpretations and appreciation of ‘the story behind the song’ makes Bobbi Carrey one of our most precious and important performers.”

Backed by the talented pianist Doug Hammer, these two great performers will make you see classic songs in a whole new light. That’s what cabaret performance is all about. Strangely enough, the art form of cabaret has had a rocky road in the Boston area. It’s something that has always astounded me, in a town with so much sophistication. It can be a tough sell. Cabaret is very personal, very intriguing, and demands that the audience gives in and takes that ride…wherever the singers will take them. If you’ve never experienced cabaret, take that chance. Take a loved one to Scullers Jazz Club, 400 Soldier’s Field Road, Allston on Wednesday, December 1st. Call 617-562-4111 or check out their website at

With Bobbi Carrey and Will McMillan at the helm, your ride will be one you’ll never forget.

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